Online Consulting
ONE of the major challenges for the trade is tax compliance. Procedural matters are usually handled at a junior level. Frequent changes in law and new court rulings keep changing the landscape of implications as also available tax benefits. Not being abreast of the current state of law could lead to liabilities and loss of benefits and penal consequences.
Various tax demands, even if finally unsustainable scar the financial statements presented before the stakeholders and financial institutions; proper and timely resolution of related issues could avoid such situations.
With the experience gained over the years, we are fully geared up to provide to the trade and industry suitable guidance and opinion on the disputes arising in Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax, VAT, Income Tax, Foreign Trade Policy, FEMA.
In online consulting we aim to provide quick online replies to the queries on any Direct Tax, Indirect Tax, FEMA, Foreign Trade Policy related issues.
All this is available against subscription to any of the below mentioned packages you may choose as per your requirement.
Single Query:
Depending on the complexity of each case, the pricing will be decided and communicated in advance.
Annual package:
The assessee's can buy an annual package also, and 12 Queries will be replied to during the period of subscription. This subscription can be purchased in any month and will be valid for a year. Kindly contact  for pricing.
[Note: The above services do not include preparation of replies and appeals, representation before the statutory authorities which will be dealt with separately depending on the individual needs of the subscriber.]
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